Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Fish in the Sea

Another new song we have been learning in storytimes is called, "The Fish in the Sea."  This is a fun scarf song that is sung to the tune of "The Wheels on the Bus."

View the song here if you'd like to practice at home! Don't have a scarf? Try a thin blanket--With my son, I use a muslin blanket we got from Target.  In a pinch, I've also used a thin pillow case!

Love fish and ocean books? Here are some of our favorite choices!

Narwhal  I'm the Biggest Thing in the Ocean

Over in the Ocean  First Big Book of the Ocean

Friday, December 7, 2018

Fast and Slow Birds

Recently, we have been teaching the kids in both Wiggle Worms and Preschool Story Hour one of our favorite fingerplays called, "Two Little Blackbirds."  The kids have really picked up on both the words, the rhythm, and the motions.  We love this fingerplay because it incorporates fast and slow in a fun way--and it makes it easy for the kids to remember the words!

Check it out here and practice at home!

Need some bird books to read? Here are some of our favorites! More can be found (and placed on hold) here

The Boy Who Drew Birds   Hooray for Birds!

Angry Birds Comics  Grumpy Bird

Thursday, December 6, 2018

What Do I Read Next?

It goes without saying that as a librarian, I LOVE to read.  I read whenever I can and whatever I can.  I try very hard to read new Children's material so I can best offer families titles that fit their needs and interests, but also introduce new titles, authors, and series. 

But there are some days we all just have no idea what to read next! You may have LOVED The Diary of a Wimpy Kid or Wings of Fire, but you've gone through the series multiple times.  What is out there that you can read that may be similar to these series, but something new?

We can help with that!  Bremen Public Library has just started a new service called, "Ask-a-Librarian."  When you fill in this form, your submission will be sent directly to the appropriate librarian, depending on age.  We will work hard to find a list of books you might like, depending on what you've communicated in your form.

The list will be emailed to you, and you will be able to place any of them on hold straight from the list!

Click here to check it out! Happy Reading!